Due to issues towards polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) emissions and energy security, the renewable and non- or low-sooting tendency fuels are growing increased attention as alternatives to conventional fossil fuels. One feasible approach is to co-fire ethanol and ammonia with hydrocarbons, thus improving their combustion properties and pollutant emissions. This study presents a comparative study about the influence of ethanol and ammonia addition on PAH formation with the same blending ratios up to 30% by mole fraction in premixed C2H4 flames. The axial fluorescence intensities in three wavelength bands were measured to represent concentrations of 2- and 3-ring, 4-ring, 5-membered-ring aromatic species using the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique. Experimental results indicated that both ethanol and ammonia addition could cause PAH reductions in premixed ethylene flames as their blending ratios increase. Further, ammonia was found more efficient than ethanol at inhibiting PAH formation under the same blending ratio. A brief pathway analysis was conducted to reveal the inhibiting role of ethanol and ammonia as substituents to ethylene on PAH formation. It was found that the produced C2H4 and C2H2 from ethanol in ethanol-addition flames could explain the decreased inhibiting effects on C6H6 formation as compared to the ammonia-addition flames. Also, the less-formed C2H2 from ammonia than that from ethanol was responsible for the more efficient role of NH3-addition at inhibiting the PAH growth through the HACA mechanism.
LIF, PAHs, Ammonia, Ethanol, Laminar premixed flame, Optical diagnostics in combustion
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The 2nd World Congress on Internal Combustion Engines