The primary objective of this review work is to provide an overview about the fundamentals of lean combustion in SI engines and elaborate the advantages and practical difficulties associated with it. Combustion of lean mixture requires higher ignition energy and is commonly encountered with low flame propagation speed and combustion instability. The development of advanced ignition systems facilitated lean combustion in SI engine and prechamber (PC) ignition systems is one such development. This review work also discusses about the development of PC ignition system, design and architecture of PC, numerical work on PC configuration and the engine characteristics of PC ignition systems. PC ignition system is an effective technique to improve the efficiency and reduce emissions of a SI engine by extending the lean limit of gasoline with better combustion control. Herein, the rich mixture in the PC is ignited by a spark plug and the flame jet penetrating from the prechamber nozzle will ignite the lean mixture in the main chamber. It has been understood that the PC nozzle hole geometry (size, shape and design) has a greater influence on the flame jet evolving from the prechamber which in turn influences the combustion characteristics of SI engine. With prechamber ignition system, burning of lean or ultra-lean mixture (lambda value of above 2) has been accomplished and a reduction in burn duration and cyclic variations and improvement in combustion stability are observed.
Lean or ultra-lean mixtures, prechamber ignition systems, flame propagation speed, PC geometry, nozzle orifice geometry, engine characteristics, efficiency improvement, lower emissions.
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The 2nd World Congress on Internal Combustion Engines