Knock is a major factor that limits the performance of gasoline engines. In this paper, according to the spontaneous combustion mechanism of end mixed gas, the influence of cooling water temperature of gasoline engine on knock under the condition of different rotational speed and fuel is explored, the best coolant temperature is obtained, and the cooling water temperature control system is briefly designed. In this paper, the simulation model of four-cylinder gasoline engine is established in GT-Power software, and the knock prediction combustion module is embedded. Different rotational speeds are set, and ordinary gasoline and ethanol gasoline are used. The cylinder wall temperature under different coolant temperatures is obtained by heat transfer calculation, and input into GT-Power software to achieve horizontal and vertical comparison. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: in different fuels and working conditions, the lower the control coolant temperature is, the less likely the knock will occur in the four-cylinder gasoline engine. According to this conclusion, the heat exchanger of gasoline engine cooling system is designed.
Knock; gasoline engine; temperature control system; coolant temperature
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The 2nd World Congress on Internal Combustion Engines